Our Services
Find information on our Easter services here.
Sunday 10am
Join us on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month for sung Eucharist. Here you can expect traditional communion, lots of singing and coming together to worship and celebrate God's creation.
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month, we have Morning Prayer with one of our experienced lay readers. A more reflective service for those who may want it.
When there is a fifth Sunday, we come together with our friends at St Mary's, Kingswinford and alternate between the two buildings for a sung Eucharist.
Wednesday 10am
Our midweek service is a sung eucharist with hymns and suitable for all who wish to join. A lively service to brighten the middle of the week!
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 5pm
We hold evening prayer three times a week for those who wish to join us who seek guidance and a quiet time of reflection.
We also offer
Families and
Informal Group Worship.